"Crazie Dice" By Joe Peoples Published in ARCADIAN 6, no. 11 (Apr. 20, 1984): 102-103 This is a game of chance, strategy, and greed. The object is to be the first player to reach 5,000 points. You start by rolling six dice. If you don't get a pointer (a one, a five, or three of a kind) on the first or subsequent roll(s) you must pass the play to the next player without adding your present score to your total. You must save, at least one pointer on each roll of the dice. If you get pointers on all six dice, you have the option to roll again (greed) but remember any time you roll again and don't get a pointer you must pass play without adding to your total. Three of a kind need not be side by side, but must be on a single roll of the dice. Two to four players. Different colors for each player. Joystick Control: Trigger = Moves a die from the top row(the dice you roll) to the Bottom row (the dice you save) Up = Rolls Dice. Down = Adjust score for saving 3 of a kind (do this before moving dice down). Left = Adds present score to total and passes play to next player. Right = Passes play to next player without adding present score to total. Point value: A "5" = 5Opts. A "1" = 100 pts. 3 "1's" = 1000 pts. 3 "3's" = 200 pts. 3 "3's" = 300 pts. 3 "4's" = 400 pts. Etc. Extra 2's, 3's, 4's, 6's don't count extra points. An optional rule for "Crazie dice:" We call it "getting on the board." Simply, your present score must be 500 or more before you can add it to your total. After that, your "on the board" and may save any amount less than or greater than 500 if you choose.